Fifth Grade CS Standards and Annotations

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Computing Systems

  •   Devices

    • 5.CS.D.01 Describe and model how internal and external parts of computing devices function to form a system. Describe how some components rely on others for correct functionality Annotation 5.CS.D.01.pdf

  •  Hardware and Software 

    • 5.CS.HS.01 Model and explain how information flows through hardware and software to accomplish a task. Annotation 5.CS.HS.01.pdf

  •   Troubleshooting

    • 5.CS.T.01 Identify, using appropriate technical terminology, simple hardware and software problems that may occur during everyday use, discuss problems with peers and adults, apply a variety of strategies for solving these problems, and provide evidence why these strategies did or did not work. Annotation 5.CS.T.01.pdf

Networks and the Internet

  • Network Communication and Organization

    • 5.NI.NCO.01 Model how information is deconstructed into packets (smaller pieces), transmitted through multiple devices over the internet and networks, and reassembled at the final destination. Annotation 05.NI.NCO.01

  • Cybersecurity

    • 5.NI.C.01 Define personal identifiable information (e.g., digital footprint) and why it should be protected as related to real-world cyber security problems. Annotation 5.NI.C.01.pdf

    • 5.NI.C.02 Discuss real-world cybersecurity problems and explain how personal information can be protected (e.g., antivirus software, backing up data, strong passwords). Annotation5.NI.C.02.pdf

Data Analysis

  • Storage

    • 5.DA.S.01 Convert different types of information into various formats to be used across multiple software/hardware. Annotation 5.DA.S.01.pdf

  • Collection, Visualization, & Transformation

    • 5.DA.CVT.01 Interpret and communicate data in a variety of visual formats to highlight the relationships among the data to support a claim. Annotation 5.DA.CVT.01.pdf

  • Inference & Models

    • 5.DA.IM.01 Refer to data sets to highlight or propose cause-and-effect relationships, predict outcomes, or communicate ideas. Annotation 5.DA.IM.01

Algorithms and Programming

  • Algorithms

    • 5.AP.A.01 Develop, compare, and refine multiple algorithms for the same task and determine which algorithm is the most appropriate. Annotation 5.AP.A.01.pdf

  • Variables

    • 5.AP.V.01 Create programs that use variables to store and modify grade-appropriate data. Annotation 5.AP.V.01

  • Control

    • 5.AP.C.01 Create programs using a programming language that includes sequences, loops, conditionals, event handlers, and variables that utilize mathematics operations to manipulate values in order to solve a problem or express an idea. Annotation 5.AP.C.01

  • Modularity

    • 5.AP.M.01 Decompose a large problem into smaller, manageable sub-problems and then further into sets of sequenced instructions to facilitate the program development process. Annotation 5.AP.M.01

    • 5.AP.M.02 Modify, remix, or incorporate portions of an existing program into one’s own work, to develop or add more advanced features (grade-level appropriate). Annotation 5.AP.M.02

  • Program Development

    • 5. AP.PD.01 Use an iterative process to plan the development of a program by including others’ perspectives and considering user preferences while solving problems. Annotation 5.AP.PD.01.pdf

    • 5.AP.PD.02 Observe intellectual property rights and give appropriate attribution when creating or remixing programs. Annotation 5.AP.PD.02

    • 5.AP.PD.03 Create, test, and debug a program that includes sequencing, repetition, and variables in a programming language to ensure its runs as intended. Annotation 5.AP.PD.03

    • 5.AP.PD.04 Communicate and explain program development to peers and adults using comments, presentations, and demonstrations. Annotation 5.AP.PD.04

Impacts of Computing

  • Culture and Diversity

    • 5.IC.C.01 Evaluate how different technologies created by people from diverse backgrounds have contributed to computing and helped to change the world. Annotation 05.IC.C.01

    • 5. IC.C.02 Develop, test, and refine computational artifacts to improve accessibility and usability for all users. Annotation 05.IC.C.02

  • Social Interactions

    • 5.IC.SI.01 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice grade-level appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating online. Annotation 05.IC.SI.01

    • 5.IC.SI.02 Discuss ways existing computing devices or computational products can be improved by collaborating with outside resources (other grade-levels, businesses) to gain their diverse perspectives. Annotation 05.IC.SI.02

  • Safety, Law, & Ethics

    • 5.IC.SLE.01 Discuss personal consequences and social impact of violating intellectual property rights or failing to provide appropriate attribution. Annotation 05.IC.SLE.01

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